Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dear Santa

Dear Santa-

I have tried to be good, but I know that I have been naughty a couple of times this year, mom wasn't very happy when I pee'd on her bed or when I bit holes in every bottle of a new case of water when she was at work, so this year I am not asking for much. But I do belive in the spirit of giving so instead of bringing me presents will you just take my little sister and give her to someone else!!

Thanks Santa- Love Jack

Dear Santa-

Wow have I caused trouble this year! But I know that I am so stinkin cute I can get away with just about anything, like the time I helped my brother bite thru all the water bottles, That was a blast and mom was convinced Jack did it himself. Oh and how about when mom forgets to shut our kennels before leaving for work so I go in and pee all over my brothers blanket, its the funniest thing ever and because mom never catches me doing it I'm off the hook. So don't worry Santa, I am not expecting you to bring me anything this year, and its okay because I have had a lot of fun!!

(and I think its better to take my brothers toys away from him rather than play with my own.)

Thanks- Love Izzy

Dear Santa-

Please bring prozac.

Thanks- Kim and Danny