Saturday, September 5, 2009

I am such a sucker

So the other day I was home alone for way too long. I was looking out the window (okay I was spying) at my neighbor Tom. Tom was talking to a guy in one of those big frezzer trucks. When they were finished talking the guy in the truck looked over and caught me in the window. He then started up the drive way, I met him at the door to try keep the dogs in but Jack managed to escape. As the guy was playing with Jack it started...
The "are you the lady of the house routine" at this point I should have just hauled Jacks butt back in the house but I was bored so I humored him and said yes.
He then went into the whole spill about this fabulous meat product he was selling and ran to his truck to get some to show me. Again that should have been my que to turn around and go back in the house, but he was so nice to Jack that I stayed (that and Jack followed him) So he comes back with this HUGE box of meat and starts telling me how wonderful it is I start to look interested when BAM..
He hits me with the price of "only $379.00" At this point I actually started to laugh and told him there was no way I could do that. He then turned very sympathetic (sneaky) and says well what if I can give you a deal?
5 min and $200.00 later I called Danny in a panic demanding that he come home now because I did something bad. Between sobs I finally got out what I had done (blaming it all on Tom of course) My absolutely wonderfully understanding husband started laughing at me, all he said was "well it is good meat"
Needless to say he was home in about 15 min.
So if any of you would like to join me in my spending habits, it really is good meat and you should check out their web site, because one of the conditions of such a good deal was that I would spread the word about them.
They deliver all over Utah, Idaho and wyoming and the guy asured me that they always have good deals going.
(I love this picture of Jack looking so sweet just begging for steak, and yes because I am that big of a sucker he got some)


  1. Oh KIM!! I love you! I'm sure your hub and dogs are very grateful you gave in to the meat guy! As long as it didn't come out of your shoe budget.

  2. ha ha, I'm glad I'm not the only one who is a sucker for stuff like that. I seem to go for them everytime. So when is the BBQ? he he...
