So I do belive that everyone was fairly warned that I would probably slack on this whole blogging thing- I do belive that I have proven that correct!!
Well I am here to announce that it is probably going to get worse!!!
Yesterday I finished up the process and enrolled in school. My check is already in thier hot little hands so the deed is done!! At "uhhem" 25, I am going back to school, I do belive I'm insane.
I will be doing an online Medical Transcrpition program. It will take somewhere between 8-12 months depending on how quick I can go. I still have to work full time so luckily it is a work at your own pace deal. I just have to be done in 12 months or I get charged for every month past that.
Because I still have to work and I do have a home and family I can't completely ignore lots of other things will suffer, so when you don't see regular posts just know that I am completly swamped and that most days there isn't enought hours to get it all done and still have time for computer play.
Wish me luck!!!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Revenge of the Blowdryer
So there have been many inqueries as to my facebook posting...
Wake up... Check
Wake Danny up....Check
Take the dogs out... Check
Shower.... Check
Light hair on fire.... Check
So here is my story and advise to all you thrifty people out there....
You know when you realize that you need a new hair dryer? The funny noises, sometimes a smell or a cold shot of air when you haven't pushed the blue button...
Ladies we have all been there, and we just keep prayin that it makes it thru this last blow dry, oh please don't burn out in the middle!!!! The problem is this goes on for about a month ( or two if your lucky) before the thing realy gives out and dies and you find yourself at Wal Mart getting another one.
But I am here to tell you STOP DOING THAT!!! As soon as it sounds like its gonna die throw it away, because right before that last blast of hot air a little (okay sometimes big) spark happens inside the motor and if you have just loaded your hair with gel....
Well I think you can put 2 and 2 together
So yes, it is ture. I managed to light 2 spots up, one on each side of my head. The hair is about 2 inches long a different color.
Luckily now that my hair is dry and I have had all day to calm down (and a really bad hat day) I have realized its not as bad as I thought!!!! Luckily I have thick hair and no one will ever even see it!!! But wow have I stunk today!!! It takes more than 2 shampoos to get that smell out ( and no Cindy I will not use real poo)
So learn from my blow dryer misfortunes:
- Never fall asleep with the blow dryer lying on your pillow- it falls offs hits the floor and your nap is over
- Never lay it on the counter top turned on with the toilet open (however if you haven't tried this it is pretty cool!! sparks and colors and spurts of water that fly everywhere)
- Never train your dog to like heat... he will be at your feet everytime you turn it on and you will be shoved out of the way.
- And last-- Don't be thrifty, just replace the thing because there is nothing worse than not having your feet warm because you now have to wait till payday to get another one.
Wake up... Check
Wake Danny up....Check
Take the dogs out... Check
Shower.... Check
Light hair on fire.... Check
So here is my story and advise to all you thrifty people out there....
You know when you realize that you need a new hair dryer? The funny noises, sometimes a smell or a cold shot of air when you haven't pushed the blue button...
Ladies we have all been there, and we just keep prayin that it makes it thru this last blow dry, oh please don't burn out in the middle!!!! The problem is this goes on for about a month ( or two if your lucky) before the thing realy gives out and dies and you find yourself at Wal Mart getting another one.
But I am here to tell you STOP DOING THAT!!! As soon as it sounds like its gonna die throw it away, because right before that last blast of hot air a little (okay sometimes big) spark happens inside the motor and if you have just loaded your hair with gel....
Well I think you can put 2 and 2 together
So yes, it is ture. I managed to light 2 spots up, one on each side of my head. The hair is about 2 inches long a different color.
Luckily now that my hair is dry and I have had all day to calm down (and a really bad hat day) I have realized its not as bad as I thought!!!! Luckily I have thick hair and no one will ever even see it!!! But wow have I stunk today!!! It takes more than 2 shampoos to get that smell out ( and no Cindy I will not use real poo)
So learn from my blow dryer misfortunes:
- Never fall asleep with the blow dryer lying on your pillow- it falls offs hits the floor and your nap is over
- Never lay it on the counter top turned on with the toilet open (however if you haven't tried this it is pretty cool!! sparks and colors and spurts of water that fly everywhere)
- Never train your dog to like heat... he will be at your feet everytime you turn it on and you will be shoved out of the way.
- And last-- Don't be thrifty, just replace the thing because there is nothing worse than not having your feet warm because you now have to wait till payday to get another one.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
At last, light at the end of the tunnel!!
Today I went to visit my good pal Dr Myers, AGAIN...
Since Christmas I have had 4 trips the the Doc and 3 antibiotics, and still can't get better. So I went in today a little upset. I was poked, proded, scraped and bled and they came back with good news and bad news. The bad news is I have a nasty viral infection that leads to bactirial infections because my system is shot. The really bad news he says is that they are seeing this last up to 6 months in some cases. Then smiles and says the good news is you're 1/2 done!
So after wasting a co-pay to be told ummm.... suck it up there's nothin we can do. I was not thrilled. He then told me things to do and not to do to get better ie...
untill this is done I am NOT to get up at 4:30am to work out, in fact I am not to work out at all (good and bad), more fluids (bad news to someone who already drinks 1 Gal of H2O a day), eat these things... (good- I already do)
Then he hit me with the funniest thing ever...
More sleep- hahahahhahahahahahahhah
Anyone who has read my blogs and facebook the last little bit knows that my darling Jack is not about to let that one happen (He was up again from 1-3am last night). Between laughter turning to crying I explained that I was not able to sleep,even when Jack wasn't naughty I woke up several times at night, so the good Doc gave me a perscription for sleeping pills.
I took my advise and my perscription and left, thinking how am I gonna do this. So I decided what the heck, I called the vet, when our fabulous vet got on the phone I said who I was and told him my situation and wanted to know if there were sleeping pills for Dogs. After a short pause and a few giggles my vet said of course he would help me out to please not beat Jack they all loved him too much.
So after months of sickness and no sleep- Jack and I both came home today with sleeping pills- I can't wait to go to bed!!!!
Since Christmas I have had 4 trips the the Doc and 3 antibiotics, and still can't get better. So I went in today a little upset. I was poked, proded, scraped and bled and they came back with good news and bad news. The bad news is I have a nasty viral infection that leads to bactirial infections because my system is shot. The really bad news he says is that they are seeing this last up to 6 months in some cases. Then smiles and says the good news is you're 1/2 done!
So after wasting a co-pay to be told ummm.... suck it up there's nothin we can do. I was not thrilled. He then told me things to do and not to do to get better ie...
untill this is done I am NOT to get up at 4:30am to work out, in fact I am not to work out at all (good and bad), more fluids (bad news to someone who already drinks 1 Gal of H2O a day), eat these things... (good- I already do)
Then he hit me with the funniest thing ever...
More sleep- hahahahhahahahahahahhah
Anyone who has read my blogs and facebook the last little bit knows that my darling Jack is not about to let that one happen (He was up again from 1-3am last night). Between laughter turning to crying I explained that I was not able to sleep,even when Jack wasn't naughty I woke up several times at night, so the good Doc gave me a perscription for sleeping pills.
I took my advise and my perscription and left, thinking how am I gonna do this. So I decided what the heck, I called the vet, when our fabulous vet got on the phone I said who I was and told him my situation and wanted to know if there were sleeping pills for Dogs. After a short pause and a few giggles my vet said of course he would help me out to please not beat Jack they all loved him too much.
So after months of sickness and no sleep- Jack and I both came home today with sleeping pills- I can't wait to go to bed!!!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
How much is that doggy in the window- The one with the 2 blackend eyes...
Sunday, March 7, 2010
What a horrible way to end a wonderful day.
Last night Jack decided he had been good long enough and he wanted in our bed. He was a complete TERROR--
At Midnight I decided it was time for everyone to go to bed. I took the dogs out put them in their kennels, turned out the lights and climed into bed. I layed there for about a minute and it started. First he just moved around scratching at his blanket and flopping around trying to get comfy, then the grumbles and whining started, I tried to ignore it but thought just maybe he was telling the truth and needed to potty so I got up and let him out of his bed, he went straight to our bed and sat down, at this point I was getting annoyed so I made him go outside anyways. About 15 min later he still hadn't come in so I grabbed the flashlight and went outside. He was out there enjoying himself playing, I yelled at him to get in the house and he mossied on in. After 2 laps of chasing him around the house he finally got in his bed. I layed down, and within 30 sec it started again. This time I was not giving in.
2 hours and many tactics later, (screaming, crying, bribes, I even layed on the floor by his kennel for about 25min.)completly worn out I gave in, I threw open his kennel said some not very nice words and sat down in the middle of the floor to cry.
Jack proudly skipped into my room, climbed up the stairs to my bed and snuggled down next to Danny, who by the way peacefully slept thru this whole nightmare. I didn't hear another peep out of him.
Tired and beaten I grabbed a blanket and headed to the couch. At this time poor Izzy was so tired she couldn't barely move, she climbed up next to me and flopped down with her head burried in my side and started snoring as loud as can be.
I was just about asleep when she started gasping for air- she had apparently burried herself a little to much into me and started to over heat. After about 10 min of uncontorlable panting I got up and got her a bottle of water, she gulped it down and then sprawled out on the end of the couch and fell peacefully asleep.
I then decided to grab the camera, I thought for sure I would blog about it all the next morning and laugh--
Its 7:30am, I'm blogging, I am NOT laughing.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
A real jogging stoller!!
I'm so excited---
After waiting and waiting I finally got a real jogging stroller. And it also can hook onto a bike as a trailer.
Now I know that you are all thinking HUH.......
What do you need a kids jogging stoller for? Well my friends the answer is simple.
My dogs need it.
Now stop laughing and listen.
Any one who knows anything about Bull Dogs know that they are lazy. They are lazy because even going for a simple quick jog around the block will kill them. They over heat and die, seriously.
They are strictly indoor, lap dogs. Which makes it very difficult when you want to get out and enjoy the outdoors. I feel bad coming home from being gone all day to work to turn around and lock them back up to go out again. But now I can take them with me!!
The biggest down fall to having pets is not being able to go on vacation. If you don't have anyone who can dog sit for you then you have to pay to board them, which costs us about $100 a day for two dogs. But now I can take them with us and not have to worry about them getting away or annoying others.
Yellow Stone here we come!!!!!
Now all of you stop rolling your eyes and just be happy for me in my moment of dumb happiness!
After waiting and waiting I finally got a real jogging stroller. And it also can hook onto a bike as a trailer.
Now I know that you are all thinking HUH.......
What do you need a kids jogging stoller for? Well my friends the answer is simple.
My dogs need it.
Now stop laughing and listen.
Any one who knows anything about Bull Dogs know that they are lazy. They are lazy because even going for a simple quick jog around the block will kill them. They over heat and die, seriously.
They are strictly indoor, lap dogs. Which makes it very difficult when you want to get out and enjoy the outdoors. I feel bad coming home from being gone all day to work to turn around and lock them back up to go out again. But now I can take them with me!!
The biggest down fall to having pets is not being able to go on vacation. If you don't have anyone who can dog sit for you then you have to pay to board them, which costs us about $100 a day for two dogs. But now I can take them with us and not have to worry about them getting away or annoying others.
Yellow Stone here we come!!!!!
Now all of you stop rolling your eyes and just be happy for me in my moment of dumb happiness!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Date Night
Finding things to do for date nights that are under $20 is getting pretty tuff these days. Luckily we have discoverd that Barnes and Noble isn't just for books.
We picked up a mini ping pong set, a block puzzle type game and my favorite...
Curious Creatures for Immature Adults! Google it, they are a riot!
So for those of you who need something cheap to do- Check out Barnes and Noble, they have tons of games and artsy fartsy stuff. I belive next week we will try the Stupid Sock Puppets kit.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
The Bathroom
When we moved into our house 3 years ago we knew that we had lots of work to do on it. The house was built in 1900 and atleast for the last 20 years had been a rental property.

When we steped into the bathroom the floor squished due to a leaky toilet, it had dark brown ugly paneling and was just plain ugly.
Danny and our brother in law Mike and father in law Gary got to work digging up the bathroom floor, digging down about 3 feet and replacing the whole toilet pipe. Then they put down a sub floor. And for the last 3 years thats what we have lived on. Also the whole house has vaulted celings that at some point had been lowered and drop ceilings put in and then they put in paneling but only up to the drop ceiling. At some point during the move in 1/2 of the ceiling tiles were removed and set outside. It then rained and they were destroyed.
Needless to say my bathroom was scary. I hated going in there.
Here are some pics of what it looked like.
In these pics we have started the prep work for remodeling, but keep in mind the ONLY things done were the cabinet doors have been removed to paint and Danny is covering the tub and taping things off to paint. Everythin
g else is how it has been.
Here are some pics of what it looked like.
In these pics we have started the prep work for remodeling, but keep in mind the ONLY things done were the cabinet doors have been removed to paint and Danny is covering the tub and taping things off to paint. Everythin
Now here are pics of our new bathroom!!! Keep in mind some of the finishing touches aren't done, we need knobs on the cupboards, towel racks and we are getting a new shower curtain, but they will have to wait till pay day.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to making this a wonderful project, from the financial end to those who loaned us tools because ours were in the garage that was frozen shut!!
This post is dedicated to my wonderful husband-
It is possible that I have the best husband in the world.
Danny has been off of work since the friday before christmas ( he did have to go in monday and wednesday this week) and I have been off of work since christmas eve. We both go back monday. During this long vacation that we have had Danny borrowed his brothers X box 360 with plans to do nothing but be lazy.
But his plans got completly trashed when for christmas we were givin the rest of the money to remodel our bathroom.
He has spent the last week making my bathroom fabulous!!! And then to top it off today we came home from grocery shoping and I was so tired that all I could do was cry and look at the huge construction mess. My great man shoveled me off to nap for and hour and a half and then grilled us up some T-bone steaks for dinner, washed up the dinner plates, and then he helped me not only clean up the construction mess, but SCRUB the enitre house every room!!!!!
He has been so good to me that I want the whole world to know that he is AMAZING!!!
I love you babe!
It is possible that I have the best husband in the world.
Danny has been off of work since the friday before christmas ( he did have to go in monday and wednesday this week) and I have been off of work since christmas eve. We both go back monday. During this long vacation that we have had Danny borrowed his brothers X box 360 with plans to do nothing but be lazy.
But his plans got completly trashed when for christmas we were givin the rest of the money to remodel our bathroom.
He has spent the last week making my bathroom fabulous!!! And then to top it off today we came home from grocery shoping and I was so tired that all I could do was cry and look at the huge construction mess. My great man shoveled me off to nap for and hour and a half and then grilled us up some T-bone steaks for dinner, washed up the dinner plates, and then he helped me not only clean up the construction mess, but SCRUB the enitre house every room!!!!!
He has been so good to me that I want the whole world to know that he is AMAZING!!!
I love you babe!
Friday, January 1, 2010
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