Wednesday, March 10, 2010

At last, light at the end of the tunnel!!

Today I went to visit my good pal Dr Myers, AGAIN...
Since Christmas I have had 4 trips the the Doc and 3 antibiotics, and still can't get better. So I went in today a little upset. I was poked, proded, scraped and bled and they came back with good news and bad news. The bad news is I have a nasty viral infection that leads to bactirial infections because my system is shot. The really bad news he says is that they are seeing this last up to 6 months in some cases. Then smiles and says the good news is you're 1/2 done!
So after wasting a co-pay to be told ummm.... suck it up there's nothin we can do. I was not thrilled. He then told me things to do and not to do to get better ie...
untill this is done I am NOT to get up at 4:30am to work out, in fact I am not to work out at all (good and bad), more fluids (bad news to someone who already drinks 1 Gal of H2O a day), eat these things... (good- I already do)
Then he hit me with the funniest thing ever...
More sleep- hahahahhahahahahahahhah
Anyone who has read my blogs and facebook the last little bit knows that my darling Jack is not about to let that one happen (He was up again from 1-3am last night). Between laughter turning to crying I explained that I was not able to sleep,even when Jack wasn't naughty I woke up several times at night, so the good Doc gave me a perscription for sleeping pills.

I took my advise and my perscription and left, thinking how am I gonna do this. So I decided what the heck, I called the vet, when our fabulous vet got on the phone I said who I was and told him my situation and wanted to know if there were sleeping pills for Dogs. After a short pause and a few giggles my vet said of course he would help me out to please not beat Jack they all loved him too much.

So after months of sickness and no sleep- Jack and I both came home today with sleeping pills- I can't wait to go to bed!!!!

1 comment:

  1. THANK BOB! I'm glad the doc at least sent you away with something almost as good as happy pills. How are they working? And for Jack?
