Monday, February 22, 2010

Date Night

Finding things to do for date nights that are under $20 is getting pretty tuff these days. Luckily we have discoverd that Barnes and Noble isn't just for books.
We picked up a mini ping pong set, a block puzzle type game and my favorite...
Curious Creatures for Immature Adults! Google it, they are a riot!

The mini ping pong is harder than it looks- that net is about 12" long, the paddles are about the size of Dannys hand but the ball is a normal size ping pong ball.
So for those of you who need something cheap to do- Check out Barnes and Noble, they have tons of games and artsy fartsy stuff. I belive next week we will try the Stupid Sock Puppets kit.

1 comment:

  1. They are as cool and creepy as I thought they would be. But, then again so are you two!!
