So you get 2 posts today, and this one is long- deal with it.
I have been asked to blog and post pics of our great weekend.
For those who don't know already here is the story of what happened.
On friday I was sitting at work when I got a call from Danny telling me that,
he had scuffed his new shoes...
when he broke his arm...
when he wrecked the motorcycle.
Okay wait, wait, wait. Say that again...
Yes you all read that right, He. Wrecked. My. Motorcycle. (okay its ours not mine but still)
At this point in our phone conversation I had to tell him that I would call him right back because I had a sudden urge that I should run to the bathroom.
Okay everyone stop panicing and breath , don't worry I was ok-
I just had to pee, oh yeah and vomit a little.
I then rush into my boss open my mouth and start the water works.
(Danny told me later that I should have known he was fine because he is the one who called me, not the hospital, But we all know Danny and lets face it he lies, there could have been blood and goo all over the place and he would just giggle that it looked cool.)
But anyways I told my boss that Danny had just been in an accident and I needed to go. She kindly shoved me out of the office ( I think I was sobbing on her papers)
I got in the car and headed to payson. When I got to the ER I walk in to find Him laying there with a huge smile and no pants.
Okay the back of his pants were still hooked to the waist band but the front, except the pockets, were gone.
Which then just made me mad- really people, he is in the ER I am paying you lots of money to fix him, get the man some scrubs.
Once I calmed down and realized that Danny was really okay he told me the story...
He was driving on I-15 between Payson and Spanish Fork when, what witnesses say, for no apparent reason 2 cars in front of Danny locked up her breaks.Danny saw smoke coming from her tires and the car in front of him hit her breaks, so he started to tap his. Due to the newly paved road it was slick and the bike started to slide. Danny looked behind him for a way out but instead saw a Semi. He made a quick desicsion that it was better to hit the car in front of him rather than get hit by a semi so he let off his breaks curled up to protect him self and leaned the bike to start going over. He hit the bumper of the car in front of him and tumbled. Luckily he had been able to slow down to about 30mph by the time of impact- which from personal experience 30 still sucks, but it is better than 50 mph.
The semi luckily had good breaks and was able to stop!
Luckily no other vehicles hit and no one other than Danny was injured.
Danny ended up with a shattered right arm above the wrist. It broke both the ulna and radius so they ended up doing surgery Saturday morning, putting a plate and 11 screws in his wrist/arm.
He also has a broken toe, a little road rash on his arm and elbow and some brusing on his arms and legs.
All in all he came out pretty good and compared to what it could have been I'll take it.
Danny has voiced his disaproval that we don't have camera phones so he was not able to take pics of his hand coming out at a 45 degree angle off of his wrist, but here are some pictures of him and the bike, post surgery.